Realtor Hub

We'll take the lead in getting you the honest, detailed information you need to help your clients make informed decisions.

A female real estate professional standing in front of a North Carolina home.
Text or email us your questions and/or home inspection reports

Home inspection reports and proposals

Swiftly delivered reports that make you look good.

Checklist graphic highlighting common home inspection punch list items such as exterior caulking and sealing, door adjustments, faucet servicing, and GFCI protection requirements, against a green geometric background with a large checkmark

Managing lengthy home inspection reports can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. The Solutions Group offers a one-stop solution for resolving just about any issues listed on home inspection reports.

Simplify the process with just one call. We’ll manage the entire punch list from home inspection reports to ensure a smooth transaction for every one of your clients. And if you have preferred trade vendors, we’ll loop them in too.

With a commitment to speed and accuracy, we guarantee delivery within 36 hours or we can often expedite proposals on the same day when needed.

Our reports are straightforward, factual, and reflect exactly what we were asked to address.

Save your clients money on our services

Be the hero with discounts to pass down to your clients.

Raining money to represent the discount on home repair services from The Solutions Group

Helping Realtors is where we started this business. Understanding the importance of the realtor-client relationship, we offer exclusive discounts to realtors.

These benefits show our commitment to supporting the real estate community and homeowners, making each transaction smoother and more cost-effective, especially when home inspection reports reveal significant issues. 

Provide relief to your clients because buying a house is a big deal and your clients will appreciate the savings. 

Lunch and learns

Feast on industry knowledge.

A whimsical sandwich filled with garden tools and hardware instead of traditional ingredients, symbolizing a blend of nourishment from industry knowledge served alongside a meal.

These gatherings are an opportunity for us to meet in person, answer your pressing questions, and get into the specifics of how we can help you and make life easier.

Wondering about foundation vents, or the ins and outs of crawlspace encapsulation, or who to contact for specific issues?

We’re here to clear up any uncertainties. Heck, we might even bring you a bunch of food!

Exclusive realtor-only discounts for your clients

Simplified process for your clients' home repairs

Thorough inspection reports and proposals

Lifetime crawlspace monitoring program

Digital or in-person lunch and learns

Call us at 919-587-8880 or schedule a time to talk, text, or meet online

Pick a day and time that's best for you.

Lifetime crawlspace monitoring program

Nobody except The Solutions Group does this.

Who ever heard of going back to a customer to see if things are still good? Well, we do it and when you think about it, it just makes sense.

What better way to establish trust in a contractor than to have them reinspect their work on an annual basis to see if everything is still working. This also provides your client with a piece of mind that they can’t get anywhere else.

Our crawlspace monitoring is for all of our customers that want it. Heck, we’ll even offer it to customers that we didn’t do work for.

Let’s face it, nobody wants to go crawling around in their crawlspace, so let us do it.

In our annual reinspection, we are checking for:

  • Overall conditions
  • Humidity Levels
  • Moisture Levels in the structure
  • Dehumidifier Servicing (if applicable)
  • Sump Pump functionality (if applicable)
  • Water intrusion (If found, we are then checking the exterior for possible contributing factors)
  • Crawlspace system failures (ie: HVAC problems like disconnected ductwork or sweating components; plumbing leaks)
  • Excessive rodent activity 

We then write up a report and send it to you so that you can see what conditions are like under your home, without ever having to go in there. Awesome, right?

Should I encapsulate my crawlspace? 
Read this discussion paper

Check it out on our Mold 101 pageA non-scary factual library of content for your customers to educate themselves in the world of mold

Years ago, we started writing things down as we researched them. Our theories, facts, processes…you name it, we wanted to document it.

At first, it was just for our in-house use so that we didn’t have to repeat ourselves and to have a place to go to refresh our memory when we ran across something unusual that we had dealt with before.

We came to realize that this information that we were gathering was not only good for us, but could be an invaluable resource for anyone who wanted it. So, we started doing blogs and posting them, but we soon realized that style of information is here one second and gone the next, hard to reference without a lot of searching. For that reason, we started the Mold 101 page. It is where we put information that we gather as we go through this journey of mold that we have embarked on.

We are curious by nature, so we enjoy finding new things. As we do, we will pass them along to you. Mold 101 is a safe place to send your clients who have questions about mold. It is based in fact and experience with none of that scary stuff that you find on the web. (Seriously, stop looking at that stuff! ). It will change constantly so check back often. 

If you don’t find what you are looking for, contact us and ask the question. We will not only answer the question for you but we will add your question to the ol’ Mold 101 page!